Secure Your Business with SecureStart

Stay ahead of the evolving threats

Welcome to SecureStart for Small Business, an initiative proudly powered by the Cyber Defense Corps (CDC) Crew and Tomorrow’s Talent. Our mission? To fortify the cybersecurity landscape of small businesses and to pave the way for the next generation of cyber defense professionals.

Let the numbers speak…

of small businesses do not allocate any budget towards cybersecurity, leaving them exposed to potential cyber threats.
of small businesses are confident in their ability to manage cybersecurity threats, suggesting a wide gap in preparedness.
of small businesses that fall victim to a cyber attack go out of business within six months of the incident.

Protect Your Business: SecureStart Shields Small Businesses From Cybersecurity Risks

Widespread Vulnerability: A staggering 46% of cyber breaches target businesses with fewer than 1000 employees, highlighting the vulnerability of smaller enterprises.
Ransomware Prevalence: Small companies, particularly those with fewer than 100 employees, constitute 37% of ransomware attack victims, emphasizing the acute risk they face.
Email Threats: With a rate of 1 in 323, small businesses suffer the highest frequency of targeted malicious emails, making them prime targets for cybercriminals.
Data Protection Gaps: Alarmingly, 27% of small businesses lack any cybersecurity defenses to protect their customers’ credit card information, leaving sensitive data at risk.

How does SecureStart work?

Building Bridges to a Secure Tomorrow

At Tomorrow’s Talent, we’ve personally witnessed the challenges faced by school districts, organizations, and businesses in their quest to find the perfect fit for their cybersecurity needs.

For small businesses, in particular, we know the struggle is even heavier – finding that rare blend of skill, dedication, and affordability feels almost like a search for a needle in a haystack. That’s precisely where SecureStart steps in.

Our commitment goes beyond traditional education; we’re here to bridge the talent gap by nurturing young minds through work-based learning, making cybersecurity expertise accessible and attainable. We’ve seen the potential in our youth and understand the critical role they play in securing our digital future.

By preparing them today, we’re ensuring the safety of our digital world tomorrow.

Our Cybersecurity Service Tiers


Per Employee, Per Month


Per Employee, Per Month


Per Employee, Per Month


Per Employee, Per Month